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Servidores UNIX

Producto Descripción Stock Precio
A6837A rx5670 Server with one 900MHz 1.5MBCache CPU 1 Consultar
A6837B rx5670 Server with one 1.3GHz 3MBl3 Cache CPU 1 Consultar
A6838A rx5670 Server with one 1GHz CPU 3MBCache CPU 1 Consultar
A6838B rx5670 Server with one 1.5GHz CPU 6MBL3 Cache CPU 1 Consultar
A5081A Model V2250 Base System 1 Consultar
A5074A Model V2500 Base System 1 Consultar
A5824A Model V2600 Base System 1 Consultar
A6093A HP server rp8400 1 Consultar
DA-74BAA-EW DS10 BASE 67/600 UNIX-512Mo 1 7.704
DA-74BAA-FW DS10 BASE 67/600 UNIX-1Go 1 10.085

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